A convocation of a series of massive volumes, conjoined in arcane gnosis in order to evoke the primal path, that lead us to sacred knowledge pouring forth from secret vessels of sabbatic mysteries
EDGAR KERVAL is a draconian magician and occultist that has manifested his work in writing, music and art, focussing on deep states of consciousness and gnosis. With intense integrity and passion he demonstrates the qualities of an adept who exemplifies the artist-magician.
SABBATICA VOLUME III features essays by Ljóssál Lóðursson, Bill Duvendack, Verónica Rivas, Leonard Dewar, Asenath Mason, Humberto Maggi, Lukasz Grochocki, Necromagickal, J. A. Perez, Edgar Kerval, Sean Woodward, Asbjörn Torvol and Nikolai Saunders. VOLUME III also includes artwork by Sean Woodward, Itan Celembribor, Matt Baltwin-Ives & Giselle Bolotin, Gary Johannes Rosenberg and Kaela.